Water management in oil palm plantation for control of G. Boninense: A review on the application of nano-porous pipe

Nur Amanina Abdul Wahid, Aimrun Wayayok, Mohammud Che Husain


Endophytic fungi defined as fungi that colonize internal plant tissues without causing visible damage to their host plant. The fast spread of pathogens such as G. Boninense causal agent of Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease in oil palm as they are internal colonizers. Water management is very important part in oil palm plantation which has been successfully proven that oil palm can grow under flood condition but the mortality rate of G. Boninense is abruptly dead within 3 months from its growth. Nano-structure porous pipe as an alternative way that can be installed in oil palm irrigation system which supply water optimally and efficiently for controlling the outgrowth of G. Boninense.


Basal Stem Rot Disease; Flooding Condition; Anaerobic Condition; Soil Matric Potential; Subsurface Irrigation and Drainage

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