Efficient system for queues: a case study on a fast-food restaurant in Pahang

Rohanin Ahmad, Norhamizah Saleh


In a fast-food restaurant, waiting for service is a common experience for customers. This study deals with M/M/1 and M/M/2/∞/FCFSqueues in a fast-food restaurant. The data collected underwent Chi-square test for Poisson and exponential distributions in the queuing model. We measured the performance of existing and proposed systems to compare which system is best to be applied at the fast-food restaurant. Measurements of the system’s operation of the fast-food restaurant are analysed based on and  of each model. In this study, we proved that multi-server, single-line model is better than multi-server, multi-line model and we discuss the relation between these two models. 


Keywords: Queuing Theory; Queuing Model; Fast-Food Restaurant; Queue Management; Poisson Distribution; Chi-Square Goodness Of Fit Test.

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