Poly(methyl methacrylate) embedded with spiropyran as photochromic material and lemongrass oil as insect repellent for smart window application

Norshafiera Nasir, Fazira Ilyana Abdul Razak, Khairil Juhanni Abdul Karim


Spiropyran (SP) is one of the most widely used photochromic species that have attracted much attention in  the field of optical data storage and  smart windows due to their unique properties which can reversibly switch from closed form  spiropyran (SP)  into opened form zwitterionic merocyanine (MC) under irradiation of  ultraviolet (UV) light. Essential oils are well-known for its wide range of application such as in pesticide control. However, SP itself tends to have lower photostability which can limit its application thus by incorporating SP into polymeric matrices, their photostability can be increase.  This study reports on preparation of polymer embedded with SP and lemongrass oil to investigate its photochromic behaviour.  Lemongrass essential oil was extracted from lemongrass leaves by solvent extraction and steam distillation. Poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA was prepared through soap free  emulsion polymerization by using potassium  persulphate as initiator while spiropyran, 2H-1-benzopyran-2, 2’-(8’-hydroxy-1’,3’,3’-trimethylindoline)  was prepared by condensation reaction of precursor Fisher’s base,  methylene indoline  derivative with 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde  in 1:1 mole ratio. The synthesized compounds were mixed together in dichloromethane to give a thin film of PMMA embedded with SP and lemongrass oil. The obtained products were structurally characterized by ATR, FTIR, and NMR spectroscopic technique. GC-MS analysis was used to confirm the presence of chemical composition in the essential oil. Photochromic behaviour of SP and PMMA thin film was studied by UV- VIS spectroscopy.  SP showed a maximum absorption wavelength at 400 nm while SP coated onto PMMA film showed a maximum absorption wavelength at 500 nm. The presence of polymeric matrices has shifted the absorption band of closed form SP to the longer wavelength in the visible band which indicating the formation of open form MC. This study suggested that by incorporating SP in polymer matrices, its photostability can be increased thus be able to be used in smart window application.


spiropyran; poly(metyl methacyalate); polymerization; photochromic

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