Screening and identification of anti-cancer agents in a selected indigenous plant

Khairunnabihah Bachuri, Anthony Nyangson Steven


A selected indigenous plant (species name not revealed to protect from illegal harvesting) from Borneo is used to treat breast cancer by the local tribe in Sarawak traditionally. However, due to insufficient scientific data, this traditional practice is not globally accepted as potential cure of cancer. To recognize the indigenous plant as potential cure, screening and identification of the potential anti-cancer agents were done using UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS and UHPLC-QQQ/MS. Extractions using ultra-pure water and decoctions in presence of ethanol were used. There were total of eighty two recognized compounds identified from the UHPLC-MS/MS analyses where eight of them were known anti-cancer agents while three of them were potential anti-cancer agents. The classes compound of known and potential anti-cancer agents identified were phenylpropanoids, pyrimidine nucleosides, terpenoids, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitors and sphingolipids. This study successfully served as first scientific proof that the selected indigenous plant has anti-cancer active compounds and can be further studied as potential cure for cancer.


Anti-cancer, UHPLC-MS/MS, indigenous plant, ultra-pure water extractions, decoctions, phytochemicals.

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