2D material on 1D Photonic Crystal (PhC) nanowires

Mohd Nuriman Nawi, Dilla Duryha Berhanuddin, Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis, Ahmad Rifqi Md Zain


Graphene has gained much attention since 2004 due to its excellent properties in electronics and photonics applications. With the smallest density footprint as only a small fraction in nanoscale range is required for a wide application; the material is predicted to overcome the limitation of other bulk semiconductor materials. A single layer of graphene can absorb 2.3% of light and as the number of layer increased, the light absorption will increased additively. We report the FDTD simulation of a single layer of graphene together with the 1D Photonic Crystal (PhC) nanowires for future optical interconnect development. The PhC nanowire is constructed by using Silicon with a series of nanoholes inside with a cavity of 330 nm to guide the C-band wavelength. The photonic band-gap is being designed to be from 1250 nm to 1750 nm. The resonance wavelength obtained is at 1553.26 nm and with a single layer of graphene applied on top of the PhC nanowire, the shift in wavelength of 0.32 nm is obtained. It is observed that the transmission performance also deteriorates where the peak obtained shows a reduction of 0.001.


Graphene; Photonic Crystal; Optical Interconnect; cavity; FDTD

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