Effluent Quality Testing from Wastewater Treatment Plant in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Muhammad Afiq Abdullah, Jafariah Jaafar


The effect of population equivalent on the water quality parameters was successfully carried out. The effluent discharge from sewage treatment plant and oxidation pond in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru was monitored by running test on biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS), oil and grease, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus. The maximum limit must comply to Standard B of the Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009 Second Schedule, Department of Environment (DOE) because it was discharged downstream of the raw water intake of Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) water treatment plant. First stage sampling was done weekly for three weeks during the semester break where fewer students were staying on campus and thus lower population equivalent load. Second sampling was done monthly starting from first week of the semester and the month after. The samples collected were preserved immediately while the BOD determination was carried out immediately after sampling without preservation. The method used for determination of BOD and TSS were according to standard method, APHA method 5210B and 2540D, respectively. HACH method was used to determine COD, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and phosphorus since it is more rapid. Oil and grease analysis followed the method of Wilks InfaCal TOG/TPH Analyzer which used less solvent and faster analysis. A total of 5 weeks sampling data was obtained from this study. BOD and COD values obtained for STP K10 increased drastically from 3.65 mg/L in week 3 and 21 mg/L in week 5 for BOD while 22 mg/L in week 3 and 61 mg/L in week 5 for COD. Ammoniacal Nitrogen values for STP V01, STP 3, STP K10 and STP K17 exceeded the maximum with reading of 6.85 mg/L,9.2 mg/L, 15 mg/L and 5.35 mg/L, respectively. Other parameters showed minor differences between weeks with concentration below the maximum limit. The sewage treatment plants in UTM should be maintained regularly to ensure effluent discharge complies with the Standard B.


sewage treatment plant; biological oxygen demand; standard B; effluent discharge; Environmental Act Regulation

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