Statistical optimization of Candida rugosa lipase supported on chitosan/nanocellulose composite for efficient synthesis of butyl butyrate

Mohamad Faqehuddin Mohd Razib, Roswanira Abdul Wahab


Current commercial route to synthesize butyl butyrate (BuBu) using acid catalyst tend to produce unwanted byproducts that are detrimental to human health and environment. In this perspective, the alternative biotechnological pathway using immobilized Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) onto solid support may be a feasible solution. In this study, the raw oil palm frond leaves (OPFL) was treated with three different kinds of chemical treatments including bleaching, alkaline treatment, and acid hydrolysis to obtain the purified nanocellulose (NC). The extracted NC was then used as nano-filler to develop the stable chitosan (CS)/NC hybrid supports to immobilize CRL to produce CS/NC-CRL biocatalyst. The approach of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using a 3-level-3-factor Box-Behnken design (time, temperature, and concentration of crosslinker) was used to optimize the immobilization protocol of CS/NC-CRL, based on the highest percentage yield of synthesized BuBu. Substantially, the developed CS/NC-CRL biocatalyst here can act as a promising environmentally friendly biocatalyst as compared to the homogenous acid catalyst in the high yield production of BuBu


Candida rugosa lipase; nanocellulose; butyl butyrate; immobilization protocol

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