Biodegradability properties of chitin/polylactic acid composite films

Nurshahida Rosdi, Zainoha Zakaria


In this work, chitin was used as filler in polylactic acid (PLA) through solution casting method. The morphological, water absorption and biodegradability properties of chitin/PLA composite films were investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), swelling test and soil burial test, respectively.  FESEM images showed that there are presence of rod-like structures on the surface of PLA/chitin film possibly that of chitin particles.  The biodegradability properties of the films increased as the amount of chitin increases.  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to observe the interaction between chitin and PLA.  From the spectrum, it indicates that there are no significant changes in the peak position, suggesting that there is no strong chemical interaction taking place between chitin and PLA.


Chitin, polylactic acid; biodegradability; water absorption; soil burial test

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