Inhibiting corrosion of carbon steel in acidic medium by using l-ascorbic acid and egypt valencia orange juice

Nor Suziana Hussin, Nursyafreena Attan


The inhibition effect of L-ascorbic acid and Egypt Valencia orange juice on the corrosion of carbon steel in different acidic medium has been studied using weight loss method. The corrosion rate was measured after 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours of immersion time at different concentration of inhibitors of 100 ppm, 200 ppm and 300 ppm respectively for both inhibitors. Meanwhile, all the mediums were kept constant at 1 M for HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, and CH3COOH. The experimental results obtained indicates that the inhibition effectiveness of inhibitors depend on the type of acid used as the corrosive environment, concentration of inhibitors and immersion period. The inhibition efficiency of L-ascorbic acid increases as the concentration of inhibitor increased except in HNO3 and CH3COOH. On the other hand, the inhibitor efficiency for Egypt Valencia orange juice were good in all acid environment used except in HCl. The immersion period affect the inhibitor efficiency in every testing except for in CH3COOH. Inhibition of corrosion is due to the adsorption of the inhibitor at the solution interface which can be discussed in terms of specific adsorption, contact adsorption. In conclusion, Egypt Valencia orange juice serve better as effective inhibitor of the corrosion of carbon steel in acidic media compared to L-ascorbic acid. This finding might be useful to be applied as green corrosion inhibitor in sulphuric acid pickling, descaling, cleaning or any process which consumed acid, via several techniques including batch or continuous application and emulsion. However, further study need to be carry out to convert from this laboratory test to industrial application.


Corrosion inhibitor; L-ascorbic acid; Orange juice; Weight loss

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