Proximate nutrient composition of Chrysomya Megacephala and Chrysomya Rufifacies reared on beef substrates
Fishmeal remains the primary ingredient in animal feeds. Its decreasing availability in natural resources coupled with the lack of several essential amino acids in plant proteins have triggered the needs for exploring alternatives avenues for protein resources. The present research investigated the proximate nutrient compositions in Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya rufifacies that fed on beef muscle (n=5) and liver (n=5) substrates decomposing in a sunlit habitat within UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Johor. Using an in-house method modified from the Association of Official Analytical Communities (AOAC) (2000), the composition of crude protein, crude lipids, carbohydrate, crude fibre, ash and moisture were analysed. It was found that the third instar larvae of C. megacephala and C. rufifacies reared on both types of beef substrates contained substantial amounts of crude protein, crude lipids, carbohydrate and crude fibre; at least comparable to that of H. illucens.It was observed that the use of beef muscle as rearing substrates facilitated the attainment of maximum composition of crude protein and crude lipids in the third instar larvae of these two species. On the other hand, the use of beef liver substrates has resulted in the optimum compositions of carbohydrate and crude fibre. Hence, the findings reported here support the application of these two prevalently found necrophagous species as the alternative nutritional resources for animal feeds.
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